Monday, April 16, 2007


So, the team formerly known as BongHits4Jeter has changed to the Recreationalists for our Showdown in St. Louis. The longest road trip in F'n A's history is just around the corner. The teams are set (though two more ACLU staff quit working here and one was fired cutting our roster significantly). This winner takes all grudge-match with the Drug Law "Reform" Project will be hott.

1 comment:

Daniel Bear said...

You're gonna lose. Just accept the fact and shed your tears now so you dont disgrace yourself. It's so sad when you see some tight wad, popped collared, yuppie east coast liberals crying into their blackberries. Pack light when you leave for St. Louis, because you're gonna be carrying a lot of emotional baggage with you when you fly back to DC after having lost to a bunch of 'druggies'.

You like to make fun of our sandals and beach life, but last time I checked it's mid April and while we have sunny and 70, you're stuck in a blizzard. Dont worry though, when the storm clears you can look forward to suffocatingly hot and humid weather until October. Good times, sucka's